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Should You Consider a Professional Marketing Help for your Businesses?

In the ever-changing world of business, having a strong marketing strategy is key to driving growth and success for companies. However, many businesses lack the time and expertise needed to navigate the complex marketing landscape. If you're considering hiring a marketing agency, it's likely because you've realized that your current marketing efforts aren't yielding the desired results. So, how can you determine if bringing in outside marketing help is the right strategic decision?

Determining whether hiring outside marketing help is the right strategic move for your company involves a three-step process:

  1. Identify any gaps in your current marketing strategy and tactics.
  2. Assess your internal resources to determine if it would be more cost-effective to handle all marketing in-house or to bring in outside help for some or all of your marketing needs.
  3. If you opt to hire external assistance, collaborate with your marketing partner to clearly define the scope of work and establish key performance indicators for success.

How to Find Out if Outside Marketing Help is the Right Strategic Decision for Your Business

 To assist you in determining whether to tackle marketing alone or seek outside assistance, here are three key questions to consider:

1. What Are the Known Gaps in Capabilities and Desired Outcomes?

List any issues that you are aware of. Below are some common areas companies often struggle with.

  • Is your digital strategy aligned with your overall marketing strategy? Is your digital strategy aligned with your overall marketing strategy? 
  • Is your marketing targeting the right audience?
  • Are you measuring the success of your marketing efforts?
  • Are your sales and marketing aligned?
  • Do you consistently promote your brand?
  • Are you getting enough leads? 
  • Are you paying too much for qualified leads?
  • Are you getting leads, but they do not turn into customers? 
  • Do your customers find you online? 
  • Are your website pages indexed with Google and other search engines? 
  • Does your website have appropriate information about your services? 
  • Do your blogs provide unique and valuable information to your audience?

2. How Do I Find Out What I Don’t Know?

Consider reaching out to a few marketing agencies or consultants for insights into strategies and tactics you may not be familiar with. Request proposals that address any identified deficiencies and request additional suggestions to enhance your outcomes. After reviewing these proposals alongside your own improvement list, you'll gain a clearer idea of the necessary steps to take.

3. Can I Accomplish All Needed Improvements In-House?

Review your list of necessary improvements and ask yourself: Can my current team handle all of these tasks? Do they have the required expertise? Consider delegating tasks to your team members and evaluating if they can effectively manage the workload. Are there any responsibilities that can be reassigned?

If you determine that you are able to handle the plan internally, well done! However, if you realize that you lack the needed in-house expertise and time to address your current marketing needs, consider whether hiring additional staff or seeking external assistance would be the best solution.

What You Should Expect from a Marketing Consultant or Agency

It is often a smart decision for many companies to seek outside assistance in order to quickly make improvements, especially if the primary issue lies in the lack of in-house expertise. Your team can benefit from the consultant's knowledge, and once the system is in place, you can reassess whether it is feasible to transition the marketing responsibilities internally.

Here is what you can anticipate from external marketing assistance.

1. Expertise in the Marketing Landscape

One key advantage of hiring a professional marketing agency or consultant is their expertise in staying up-to-date with the latest trends, algorithms, and consumer behaviors. This ensures that your business remains competitive in the ever-evolving landscape of promotional strategies. With a diverse skill set ranging from social media management to content creation and SEO optimization, a consultant can greatly enhance your brand's visibility and engagement with your customers.

2. Cost-Effective Solutions

Contrary to what many may think, choosing a professional marketing agency can often be a cost-effective decision compared to managing marketing internally. By avoiding the need to train new employees and spreading the costs of expensive marketing tools across multiple clients, it can actually save you money in the long run.

3. Time-Efficiency

Operating a business requires a significant amount of time and focus, and dedicating these valuable resources to managing marketing efforts can potentially disrupt essential operations. By enlisting the expertise of professional marketers, business owners can concentrate on their core competencies while entrusting the complexities of marketing to skilled professionals. This newfound time efficiency can have a profound impact on productivity levels and ultimately contribute to the overall success of the business.

4. Comprehensive Strategy

Utilizing a blend of digital and traditional marketing strategies can provide distinct advantages for businesses. It is essential to partner with an agency capable of crafting a holistic marketing strategy that encompasses both digital and traditional channels. This unified approach guarantees a consistent brand message across different platforms, amplifying the effectiveness of your marketing endeavors.

5. Adaptability in a Dynamic Environment

The marketing trends and tools are constantly and rapidly evolving. A professional marketing agency has the expertise to adapt to these shifts, helping your business stay nimble and responsive. Whether it's adjusting to algorithm updates or exploring new platforms, marketing professionals can customize strategies to seize opportunities and overcome any obstacles.

Scope of Work (SOW)

One crucial aspect that is often overlooked when partnering with a marketing consultant or agency is clearly defining the scope of work. By outlining the SOW, you ensure alignment between your expectations and the agency's deliverables, setting the stage for a successful collaboration.

The SOW acts as a roadmap, outlining the specific tasks, responsibilities, and deliverables that the marketing agency will handle to achieve your objectives. Without a well-defined scope, misunderstandings are likely to arise, leading to project delays, cost overruns, and dissatisfaction on both sides. Here are the key elements to consider:

  • Set Clear Objectives: Start by clearly articulating your business goals and marketing objectives, whether it's boosting brand awareness, driving website traffic, or increasing sales. Aligning the scope with these objectives is crucial.
  • Identify Deliverables: Reach an agreement on tangible outputs such as website development, content creation, social media management, or advertising campaigns. Specify the quantity, quality, and timeline for each deliverable.
  • Establish Timelines: Define project milestones and deadlines to ensure timely progress and completion, taking into account factors like campaign launch dates and industry events that may affect the timeline.
  • Allocate Resources: Determine the resources needed from both the client and the consultant/agency, including personnel, budget, and access to data or assets. Clarify who will provide what to avoid delays or bottlenecks.
  • Define Communication Protocols: Set clear lines of communication and protocols for feedback, updates, and reporting to ensure transparency and address any issues promptly.
  • Set Expectations: Clearly outline the scope's limitations, exclusions, and assumptions to prevent scope creep and misunderstandings.
  • Document the Agreement: Formalize the scope of work in a written contract or agreement signed by both parties to serve as a reference point throughout the project and provide clarity in case of disputes.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to handle the scope of work, if you're considering external marketing assistance, feel free to reach out to us for further discussion.